Saturday, December 30, 2017

Spiritual Maturity

The year 2018 is coming up.  What are the clues for what we can expect in the new year?

First, the number 20 signifies expectancy or things to look forward to.  Jacob waited 20 years to get possession of his wives and property.  Israel waited 20 years for deliverance through Samson.  Solomon waited 20 years for the completion of two houses.

As for the 18 in 2018--
The  Hebrew word for "life" has a numerical value of 18.

In most countries, it is the "coming of age"--18 is the age of majority and also the voting age.

For me the word that comes to mind is maturity--spiritual maturity.

Bill and I were talking about this not long ago, confirming to each other that those who have been with us are maturing and do not need to be taught basic principles again.

Hebrews 6:1-2  Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.

What does coming of age mean to us?  I have to take another look at the visions I've had in the last couple of months to know where we are going.

Greater light-spiritual discernment-elevation

I saw an elevated highway, and heard the words, "high and lifted up."  We need to set ourselves to be elevated in the Spirit by continuing to seek genuine, intimate relationship with God through Christ by the Spirit.

I also saw floodlights, which symbolized more light and greater clarity.

And, a hot-air balloon.  We need to go higher so we can see more clearly.

Hebrews 5:14  But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

I saw a man looking through a peephole in a door; then the door opened allowing him to see the entire landscape.

In another vision I was climbing a rock mountain, and near the top was a crack in the rock that allowed me to catch a glimpse of a beautiful valley on the other side of the mountain.

This year will be a time of elevation; of going higher spiritually.  And, the higher we go the greater the light and spiritual clarity.

Small Straws:  I saw earth's atmosphere in layers.  Near the surface of the earth it was very dark, but every layer above the earth was progressively lighter.  And, the Lord said, "The higher up you go, the more light is available so that when you get close to Me it is all light with no darkness at all.  Come up here!"  

John 8:12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."

Small Straws:  I saw a very large door beginning to open.  The light coming in started as a small beam at first, but as the door continued to open the light became magnificently bright and even blinding.  And, I heard the Lord say, "I am opening a door for you that will bring increasingly greater light.  It will reveal wisdom and purpose the likes of which you have not seen until now.  Walking in the light will begin with revelation that comes from internal work."  Isaiah 2:5 ... come and let us walk in the light of the Lord.

Greater discernment will require spiritual purity

Other visions:
 I saw a beautiful little meadow high up on a mountain.  There was a waterfall splashing down into a pool of clear, clean water.

And, someone was bathing in a stream of sparkling clear, pure water.  We are getting cleaned up through internal work.

Matthew 5:8  Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God.

Titus 1:15  To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.

Destiny fulfilled or fulfilling of destiny in reaching a destination

The idea of destiny fulfilled came in several visions:

First was something like a wheel moving clockwise on the inside of a wheel moving counterclockwise.  There were notches in the wheels that needed to line up.

I also saw a roundabout on a street where you have to drive in a circle to find the proper exit that would make a way to a particular destination.

And, I saw gears that needed to be put in their proper position in order for a machine to function as it should. 

Finally, I saw someone opening a safe using a combination lock-turning to numbers in perfect order before the door would open.

A combination lock is a type of locking device in which a sequence of numbers or symbols is used to open the lock. The sequence may be entered using a single rotating dial, which interacts with several discs or cams, by using a set of several rotating discs with inscribed numerals which directly interact with the locking mechanism, or through an electronic or mechanical keypad.

I thought of two words precision and order in all of these visions.  We must be in our proper position before we can move forward spiritually.

Small Straws:  Your life experience contains many moving parts, and those parts are coming into alignment to allow new possibilities.  The doors will open to present opportunities to accomplish what has been beyond your scope of imagination.  These are things that you cannot foresee or predict, but you can           prepare and position yourself spiritually by faith to progress when the time is right, says the Lord.  Mark 1:3b Prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight.

Small Straws:  Be on the lookout for various elements of your life to fall into place, and it will be right for you to make the changes that you have considered.  There is a time and a season when everything lines up with My will and purposes for you, says the Lord.  That time is just ahead of you.  Do not lose hope.  Ecclesiastes 3:17b "For there is a time for every purpose and for every work."

Another vision I thought was interesting was one of watching someone working on a stained glass project, probably a window.  There was lots of beautiful glass with various shaped pieces that would be used to make a picture.

Many of us have been fragmented, and we will be working on ourselves internally to put all the pieces together so that we are whole.

Season of Adjustment

Small Straws:  The season of adjustment is upon you, but you will have to mentally and emotionally let go of things that tie you to the past before you can move forward in My purposes.  If you will take this step of faith you will come into a place of liberty and fulfillment that you have not known before.  Trust Me to bring you through this awkward transition with great grace, says the Lord.  All you have to do is be willing and flexible.  

2 Corinthians 12:9a  And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."


Small Straws:  As I waited on the Lord, I sensed movement in the spirit realm.  It was very strong and yet mysterious.  And, I heard the Lord say, "I am moving in ways that are beyond anything that you have seen or understood.  This work will affect My people at a core level that is untapped and rarely accessed.  Only those who get quiet and exercise extreme discernment will be aware of what I am now doing."  Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

Small Straws:  My work in the lives of My people appear to be mysterious at times.   But, if you ask for wisdom with a genuine desire to know, I will reveal My purposes to you in ways that you can understand.  Keep in mind that I want you to search for           truth as you would search for treasure.  And, to do that you must be willing to dig deep, says the Lord.  Psalm 51:6 Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.

Recap-these are the headlines for 2018:
Spiritual Maturity-a time to grow up into Him
Greater Light to see what God is doing in our lives       
Elevation and clarity for more precise discernment    
Cleansing and purity of the soul through internal work
Proper positioning in Spirit before we can progress
Personal and spiritual adjustment to bring precision and order
Understanding the mysteries of God

Let there be LIGHT

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Cultivate the presence of the Lord

I received a text message this morning from a friend of mine.   One of the statements said, “my control over sin needs more Jesus.”   It made me think of where I have been lately.   I think that is what I have been doing as well.  I have been putting my confidence in the flesh.  You know… I got this. That is usually the first stage of failure for me.     That statement took me back to a quote that was spoken to me on a Quest event back in 2014.

“Stop trying to create the absence of sin and start cultivating the presence of the Lord.”

Below is from a post I wrote back in 2014 partially edited.

God has a habit of chasing after leadership too.  Let Him catch you and see what happens.   Well he caught me.  He spoke to me through a friend of mine with this statement.  “Stop trying to create the absence of sin and start cultivating the presence of the Lord.”   I had to just sit there a minute and actually ask him to repeat it again.  Sometimes I think (me included) that we focus so hard on trying not to sin that we miss it!  We try to prevent sin instead of just focusing on God more.   There are things that need to be done.  Pray, listen to worship music, study the word, and be washed by the word.   If you do all things, then it makes it very hard for sin to creep in because your heart is with Him.  Your heart is filled with Him which leaves no room for anything else.  Be blessed today!

…Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. ~ Ephesians 5:25b-27

The Mirror Ephesians 5:25 The husband loving his wife pictures the parallel of Christ loving the church completely, and his unreserved giving of himself to us. (This is what marriage is all about; it celebrates love’s initiative, whether coming from the husband or the wife. This awakens a different level of commitment beyond any sense of duty or guilt.) 5:26 Christ is the voice of God’s language, immersed in this conversation, his love words bathe us and remove from us every stain of sin. 5:27 This intimate language presents the church (his restored image and likeness) to himself, to his delightful approval without any distraction or reminder of a blemished past; no wrinkle or scar of sin’s abuse remains; she stands before him in immaculate innocence.
God tells Moses, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14

8 This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may [a]be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will [b]have success.  Joshua 1:8 (NASB)

Monday, December 25, 2017

Small straws in a soft wind

I would have you to be free of anxiety and worry. Let faith arise so that you will be able to overcome everything that comes against you in this season. I am with you and empowering you.  My Spirit has been sent to you to enable you to respond from a place of faith to receive everything that I have for you in this season and the years beyond.  Come and be one with Me, says the Lord God Almighty.

Be on the lookout for various elements of your life to fall into place, and it will be right for you to make the changes that you have considered. There is a time and a season when everything lines up with My will and purposes for you, says the Lord.  That time is just ahead of you.  Do not lose hope.  Ecclesiastes 3:17b "For there is a time for every purpose and for every work."

This really spoke to me this morning so I wanted to share it  with you.   I actually woke this morning feeling anxious.   Not sure why.
Not sure why sometimes I actually feel like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.    I remember though ......  thinking to my self.  "today is a good day today and I said  "yes Lord"

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Romans 12:2

……………………………………………….To refuse to be continuously converted puts a stumbling block in the growth of our spiritual life. There are areas of self-will in our lives where our pride pours contempt on the throne of God and says, “I won’t submit.” We deify our independence and self-will and call them by the wrong name. What God sees as stubborn weakness, we call strength. There are whole areas of our lives that have not yet been brought into submission, and this can only be done by this continuous conversion. Slowly but surely we can claim the whole territory for the Spirit of God.

  I read this and can’t help but wonder about myself.  How many times I refuse to be converted.  I am a fallen man but at the same time I am a son of the most high God.  Sometimes I get up in the morning and like who I see and sometimes I don’t like who I see.  Yesterday’s devotion from Oswald really nailed me as well.        

 Our battles are first won or lost in the secret places of our will in God’s presence, never in full view of the world. The Spirit of God seizes me and I am compelled to get alone with God and fight the battle before Him. Until I do this, I will lose every time. The battle may take one minute or one year, but that will depend on me, not God. However long it takes, I must wrestle with it alone before God, and I must resolve to go through the hell of renunciation or rejection before Him. Nothing has any power over someone who has fought the battle before God and won there.   I should never say, “I will wait until I get into difficult circumstances and then I’ll put God to the test.” Trying to do that will not work. I must first get the issue settled between God and myself in the secret places of my soul, where no one else can interfere. Then I can go ahead, knowing with certainty that the battle is won. Lose it there, and calamity, disaster, and defeat before the world are as sure as the laws of God. The reason the battle is lost is that I fight it first in the external world. Get alone with God, do battle before Him, and settle the matter once and for all.  

So I am really chewing on this one…. What does it look like to get alone with the almighty and fight the battle before Him?   I think I have done this, but am I fooling myself into thinking I have?  What does it look like?  ON my knees in prayer or sitting silent and just listening.  My battles with jealousy, lust and selfishness are always at the forefront.  I am sincerely, passionately trying to not sin, but I keep sinning.  I am at the point where I am fixated on trying not to sin.  It is like a vicious cycle the keeps repeating itself.  It is not working.  I somehow need to get the issue settled between God and myself in the secret place.  It is time for revelation; do I have the patience to wait for the answer?

Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.  His good, pleasing and perfect will.  
Romans 12:2 ESV

Romans 12:2 Do not allow current religious tradition to mold you into its pattern of reasoning. Like an inspired artist, give attention to the detail of God’s desire to find expression in you. Become acquainted with perfection. To accommodate yourself to the delight and good pleasure of him will transform your thoughts afresh from within.  The Mirror

Monday, December 18, 2017

Philippians 1:21

My Unstoppable Determination for His Holiness. "Whether it means life or death-it makes no difference!" (Philippians 1:21 For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better.) Paul was determined that nothing would stop him from doing exactly what God wanted. But before we choose to follow God's will, a crisis must develop in our lives. This happens because we tend to be unresponsive to God's gentler nudges. He brings us to the place where He asks us to be our utmost for Him and we begin to debate. He then providentially produces a crisis where we have to decide— for or against. That moment becomes a great crossroads in our lives. If a crisis has come to you on any front, surrender your will to Jesus absolutely and irrevocably. Oswald C.
Isn't it just like us to have to have a crisis in our life before we have a come to Jesus meeting? I would like to think that I stay close enough to Him that this does not have to happen. I would be fooling myself to think that. Reality is there are times when I think I know better than the Lord on what is happening in my life. I think to myself, that is not an open door and I will shut that door myself. Then the door will open again, because the Lord is gracious and I am stubborn. Below is what I have written before which I think falls under the same lines as what is being talked about above. 
When I choose that path most of the time it is because I think I can handle the situation on my OWN!  Then the question comes up that is always asked of me.  "how is that working for ya?"I hate that question because my answer is always,  "it isn't!"  I say all of that to share with you a little nugget on surrender. Surrender is always a tough one for me as well. What is the worst thing that could happen if you surrender? 
Here is what  François Fenelon the Archbishop of Cambria said in the 17th century.  He was the spiritual advisor to Louie the 14th.  He said this in a letter to the King about surrender.  There is more in the letter but this is the main point.
Let me tell you what real surrender is.  It is simply resting in the love of the Lord, as a little baby rests in his mother arms.  A perfect surrender must even be willing to quit surrendering, if that is what the Lord wants.  We renounce ourselves, and yet, God never lets us know when it is complete.  If we knew, it would no longer BE complete, for there is nothing that bolsters the ego quiet so much as knowing that it is fully surrendered.
Surrender consist, not in doing great, heroic deeds about which self can brag, but simply in accepting whatever God sends, and not seeking to change it.  Surrender is the source of true peace.
I have noticed for myself that when I have completely surrendered.  (at least when I think I have)  I feel at peace.  When I think I have surrendered something but I am restless about it and  I don't have peace,   then I am still holding on to it.  I don't like that.  
The more you look at what you are not;  the less you become who you are!
Kevin Gwyn
Any thoughts??????
Matthew 26:35 Peter said to Him, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You.” All the disciples said the same thing too.
As I am reading this morning,  I came to this scripture.  I just sat there and stared at it.  For the first time in a long time I had to ask myself “How many times do I deny Jesus in one day?” Peter did it three times.  I remember watching the Passion of the Christ and thinking about how Peter denies Jesus in the movie.  I remember thinking “how can he do that to Jesus?” Then I thought “I do it all the time!”  with my tongue,  my eyes, my actions.  It made me very sad when I really thought about it.

Don’t worry, I don’t have a stick in my hand ….. I’m not beating myself up.  It is just an eye opener

Be Blessed today!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

From Keith Wheeler

I pray that the busyness of the season isn’t overwhelming you and that your life is overflowing with the joy, innocence, purity and anticipation of a little child as we celebrate the birthday of our wonderful Lord and Saviour, Jesus!

One of the greatest gifts that God has given me as I have walked with the cross around the world has been that of slowing down. The world whizzes by at 65 mph (or more) in their cars! Even the joggers hurry on down the road. But God has allowed me to walk … around 4 miles an hour. I’ve found that when I slow down I’m able to see things that those in their cars, or with their running shoes on will never see. I’m able to hear things that they will never hear.

I think this is what God wants from us. To slow down. To see. And to hear. It’s really easy to get busy, especially this time of year. So many of us have allowed our lives to become overscheduled, overrun and overwhelmed. As a result, we’ve become stressed, rushed and hurried – sometimes, even, out of control.  We miss seeing the beauty that’s all around us – a flower along the roadside, a sunset, or the wonder of our children growing up. Sometimes we move so fast that we miss the sounds – the splashing of a mountain waterfall; wind whispering in the trees, crickets chirping and birds singing, or a heart-to-heart talk with our spouse ... all a symphony of praise drowned out by the buzzing of our engines, the blaring of our stereo systems, or the business inside our lives.

I have found that when I’m rushing I can’t see or hear very well. When I don’t truly see or hear I’m not able to appreciate. When I don’t appreciate, I fail to experience. And when I fail to experience, I cease to truly live; and I merely exist!

Have you ever heard the saying, “pay attention”? Attention costs. That’s why we have to pay. It costs time and energy. But the rewards are invaluable! We begin to see! We begin to hear! Maybe that’s why God announced Jesus’ birth to some stinky shepherds. They had time. They were waiting. And God rewarded them! Not only did they see and hear the angels … they saw Jesus! I think that, this Christmas, God wants to reward us! I think He wants us to slow down.  He wants us, in a fresh new way, to see Jesus – the beauty of Christmas!!

Have you ever thought that, maybe, the skies over Bethlehem and Jerusalem were FULL of angels? Maybe they were there with the wonderful news of our Saviour’s birth for anyone who would just slow down and look up and listen. Maybe He didn’t just want to speak to the shepherds, but He wanted to tell anyone who would listen that His baby boy had been born. Maybe God speaks a whole lot more than we think He does.  Maybe all we need to do is just slow down and look up and listen. I believe that’s the beauty of Christmas! It’s a time of the year where we have the opportunity to pay attention! God wants to give us the gift of remembering that He is Emmanuel – God with us! He wants to speak to our lives and bring hope, peace; joy that’s unspeakable and love that we can’t begin to comprehend!!

This year, let’s remember that this is His birthday! This is what He wants! He said that His eyes search to and fro throughout all the earth seeking someone whose heart is completely His. Jesus said that the Father is looking and seeking for those who will worship Him with everything they’ve got – spirit and truth! Those who slow down and sit at His feet, listen to His voice and look into His eyes. Those who can look at a baby and see a King! Wow! That’s Christmas!!

That’s why we carry the cross! There is a world that is waiting for these glad tidings of good news! There is a world that is waiting for peace! God also wants us to pay attention to these. Jesus said when we pay attention to the least of these we minister to Him. He wants us to see the needs and hear the cry of those around us. The world is not a place that we need to be angry with or fearful of.  Years ago, I saw that the people in the bars, mosques, or war zones of our world are not things to be avoided, but instead, “kidnapped royalty”! Men and women, boys and girls created to be sons and daughters of the King of Kings. May we see their beauty, and value, and that they were created with a purpose.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Read James lately?

James 2.5 May I have your full attention on this issue my dear brothers, faith in who you really are according to 1your original identity is the real measure of your wealth; you might be poor according to the standards of this world but according to God you possess your allotted portion which is the kingdom of his promise to those who love him. (The word, 1eklegomai, comes from ek, a preposition denoting origin, and lego, meaning to speak; thus, the original blueprint-word, logos.)

James 2.5 Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him? ESV

Why is this so hard to understand that my wealth comes from my identity.  Even the first part of this passage literally got my full attention because that's what he says "may I have your full attention."

Am I understanding this correctly?   that when he says your original identity is the real measure of your wealth and if your not sure who you are in Christ then it could be a real struggle walking in faith.

I paused and then read on further and then I got to this passage which I think is a great follow-up to what I wrote yesterday.  

James 2:8 Scripture confirms that the law of the kingdom is fulfilled in you realizing the same value in your neighbor as you would see in yourself; this is what doing the word is all about, and it makes beautiful poetry. (Lev 19:18; Lk 10:27, Mt 22:37-40. By not forgetting what manner of person you are, you will not forget what manner of person your neighbor is according to the mirror principle.)

Could this mean that when I forget who I am in Christ.   I start seeing people not the way Christ sees them, but I start seeing them through whatever filter I choose to look at them through.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

The new has come

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. ESV

5:17 Now, in the light of your co-inclusion  in his death and resurrection, whoever you thought you were before, in Christ you are a brand new person! The old ways of seeing yourself and everyone else are over. Acquaint yourself with the new!  The Mirror

I have been stuck here on this passage for almost a week. But this morning when I was reading it the part that I put in red is what really spoke to me. I can't help but Wonder how many times we see ourselves as New Creations but then we don't look at other people through the same eyes?

That thinking took me to the greatest Commandment that Jesus spoke of.

Mat 22:37.40
And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

I can't help but Wonder if I would see people through these two Commandments if everything else would just go away. Being judgmental, walking in rejection, unforgiveness you fill in the blank. 

If I'm being real here I don't always look at people the same way Jesus Does and that makes me sad. I try so hard to look at all people Through the Eyes of Jesus and it's just so freaking hard sometimes. People make it hard.  I have a choice and many times my choice is not the correct one.

Let's go one step further.  when you look in the mirror in the morning do you see yourself the way Jesus does, or do you see yourself in a different way?

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Reading this morning I've had several thoughts. I've come across this scripture in Ecclesiastes 10.10 Which shows the importance of Proverbs 27:17 as iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another. 

 I think you could look at it like this. That I'm the ax and if I'm not meeting with other transparent individuals that can sharpen me then I become dull and rusty. Then I began to try and figure out things on my own (PRIDE) and life becomes so much harder. I'm not sure if you realize but any tool that you use that requires an edge or saw blade that needs to be Sharp takes so much more effort to get the job done.   It's like cutting a steak with a butter knife (well,  not my Ribeye’s that are done on the Green Egg,  anyway you get my point 😊 ) The wisdom I feel that he's talking about In this passage is the wisdom of meeting together on a regular basis and being transparent with each other. (my opinion)

One might could say that if you have pulled away or are not meeting with transparent men on a regular basis you could be opening a door for sin to creep into your life. That very well may be the platform that the devil is looking for to operate from. Which is where Ephesians 4:27 came in this morning.

I would also say that you could be meeting with men that are transparent and you could still have sin in your life that you are tolerating.

Ecclesiastes 10:10 If the ax is dull, and one does not sharpen the edge, then he must use more strength; but wisdom brings success.

Ephesians 4.27 Any sin that you tolerate is an open invitation to the devil. Do not give him a platform to operate from.

I leave you with this thought. Do you meet with men that you can be transparent with?

Do you have sin in your life right now that you are tolerating?  Lust, gluttony,  …… you fill in the blank.

The thought process could be ….. Well that is just how I am ……   I have tried but just can’t stop.
If you do have sin in your life that you are tolerating ...........Why?

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

You were running so well....... Gal 5:7

GAL 5:7 You started off like an athlete on a mission, who distracted you? You seemed so completely persuaded about the truth!  5:8 God is not confused about you. He surnamed you!

Gal 5:7 — Gal 5:8
You were running well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth? This persuasion is not from him who calls you. NLT

I woke this morning thinking about this passage. It always makes me wonder what he is up to when I wake to a passage floating around in my mind.   Sometimes the enemy is so subtle and then sometimes he's in your face just daring you. I had something happened to me a couple weeks ago. Doesn't really matter what it was what matters is how I chose to react. There is the key word chose. I saw the lie for what it was worth, and I chose to be a martyr. What I mean by being a martyr is I chose to Waller in my crap.  What became of that was I stopped writing for him. I copped an attitude.  If what I write speaks to you great and if it doesn't that's okay. The important part is that I write for him not myself.

I hate sitting here and knowing that I brought this pain upon myself and it began with believing a lie, walking in judgement.   I believe that most of you can understand what went on after that.

Matthew 7 “Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye.

Lord please reveal to me the log in my eye, so I can see the speck that may be in my brother's eye.

I find when I judge I end up judging myself more harshly in the process.

Who is keeping you from running the race so well?

When I finished writing this I then read my devotion.   I would say the timing was perfect.

You are still in a time of quiet reflection.  Even though it seems difficult, if not impossible, to move forward you must take this opportunity to do some very deep internal work that will ultimately pave the way to freedom.  This is a rare moment in time when you can make great strides in spiritual liberty, says the Lord.  Psalms 46:10a Be still, and know that I am God.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Once we become reborn

I had one of my friends respond to my blog the other day with this quote . 

“Once we become Reborn, what if God isn't actually changing us into a new person, but revealing the person, our true identity, of who's always been there. Kind of like we've allowed all of this crap and mold and junk to deform the true identity of the original art he created each of us to be.”

In other words, we've allowed un-forgiveness, bitterness, abandonment, rejection, abuse fill in the blank to take us from righteousness to being an orphan.

Man, I've been chewing on that one for a while. To think that I was born to be righteous and in my true identity and I have allowed all of the crap, wounds, words from people, school teachers, parents, siblings you name it.  Life speaking to my identity and slowly changing it to where I became an orphan without even knowing it. 

Our parents, no matter who they were could have been several step dad’s, several step mom's,  or just one mom and one dad,   They did the best they could.  They spoke into our identity and they molded us.  When a baby is born they just start doing things wrong because they don't know who they are. As parents we speak truth to them to try and mold them in what we know from our identity and then one-day God reveals to them their true identity.

If you are a parent and you don't know what your true identity is then how could you possibly speak that into your child. 

1st Thessalonians 5:21 Test everything like one would test gold to determine its true value, then treasure that which is precious with great care. 5:22 Distance yourselves immediately from every practice remotely related to the fruit of the “I-am-not-tree”, which is the typical exhausting 1law of works system. (The tree of the knowledge of good and evil [1poneros] represents mankind’s lost sense of identity and righteousness, where the universal pursuit of humanity would now be their constant effort to achieve righteousness by means of their own works. This inevitably leads to disappointment where shame replaces innocence, and union and fellowship are lost. The word evil, poneros, suggests being full of hardships, labors and annoyances.)

Saturday, October 28, 2017

What is my Gethsemane pt. 2

I am still in this chapter about Gethsemane and what is my Gethsemane?

This is another quote directly from the book “Gethsemane is a place where we struggle with ourselves, our selfishness, our once, our hopes, our dreams and disappointments. It is where we lose ourselves to find the new person God is making; not just new resolve, but a new life, a new identity in Christ. Oswald Chambers stated, "our Lord is trying to introduce us to identification with himself through a particular Gethsemane experience of Our Own." and remember, every Gethsemane leads to a resurrection but not before it first leads to a cross"

1st Peter 5:7 cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Philippians 4:6 Let no anxiety about anything 1 distract you! Rather translate moments into prayerful worship, and soak your requests in gratitude before God! (The word 1 merimnao, anxiety, through the idea of distraction, from meritzo, to divide. Your requests do not surprise God; he knows your thoughts from afar and is acquainted with all your ways; yet he delights in your conversation and childlike trust! Song of Songs 2:14; Mat 6:8) 4:7 And in this place

That's what Jesus modeled for us at Gethsemane. So why is it that we often feel that we must hold on to some of that anxiety for ourselves even though Jesus modeled it for us.  Now we're getting into that total surrender and what that looks like. I know for me there are areas that I still want to hold on to. That if I'm not anxious about something or worried about something then I'm not being normal. Which we all know is a lie.

I know my Gethsemane is coming to terms with being in God's Will and not my own. Maybe if I fight God long enough he'll change his mind. Like that will ever happen.

I love what Todd White says. He says,

"when you signed up for this Walk with Jesus, you signed up to die."

Can it get any simpler than that? If you die to yourself then is it possible that you would never have a Gethsemane experience?

I believe you still will have Gethsemane experiences but you're so in tune to the will of God that there’s really not a question of …… can you take this cup from me?  is there another way I can do this?   You just know what you are supposed to do. 

So just picturing Jesus in the garden and in layman terms he says
 "Dad I know what you want me to do, but really is there any other way we can do this?

And Dad says "Son, there is no other way this is the only way.  you have to do this for all mankind."
This is the chorus from the song by Hillsong   "Glimmer in the dust"   Is this what Gethsemane looks like?

I know there’s a place I belong
Where I’ll see the fullness of love
A child face to face with my God Lost in
Your awesome wonder While I wait
I will not be afraid
My faith will remain all the same
My hope in the things not yet seen
Found in the greatest of these

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

What is your Gethsemane?

I've been doing a lot of reading lately.  Now I'm in a new book,  have been reading it for a while now.  It's called “The One Jesus loves.”  It has been a very good read but the last 3 or 4 days I've been stuck in chapter 33.
Chapter 33 is about "Weeping with Christ" Before we drink the cup, we must hold it!

3:10 Oh to comprehend the dynamic of his resurrection! His resurrection is evidence of our righteousness! In the revelation of God’s economy of inclusion, I co-suffered with him and co-died together with Christ! (Because I was already fully represented in his sufferings, his death and resurrection, I am greatly inspired when faced with contradictions now!) 3:11 When confronted with death, I actually come face to face with my own resurrection! The Mirror

So, what I have been really chewing on is what is my Gethsemane? My Gethsemane is the place where I can count the cost.  In other words, God is calling me to do something and whatever that is I'm going to have to count the cost.  What is God calling me to do?   I feel I must ponder and pray and sweat bullets and struggle and weep and wonder what is going to be required to follow him into the garden and weep with him.  I don't know what that is yet.

I guess a good example would be God has called you to something and you sit there and wonder and pray is there any other way I can do this? Jesus asked. Jesus said my father if it is possible may this cup be taken from me Matthew 26:39

So, for me I'm still asking seeking and knocking what does my Gethsemane look like.   Some of you know what Gethsemane looks like because you're running from it.  Maybe I'm running from it I don't know.

  Gethsemane is a place of coming to terms with the will of God. It is a place where we Face God's will head on. At Gethsemane, we look honestly and clearly at what God has called us to do. We consider the call and we count the cost. 
Emphasis is a direct quote from the book

Gethsemane is a place of surrender it's not the cross it is not the place where we die but it is the place where we are told we are going to die. You know dying to yourself total surrender so that we may live for God, so we can live in his will and not our own

Thursday, October 19, 2017

I am under attack!

I received an email the other day from fellow Warrior who said that he was under attack. I want to say a few things about that because I feel so many times that we use the words “I am under attack” too quickly. just because your car breaks down or your water heater goes out or you get sick doesn't always mean you're under attack. Maybe your car breaks down because you haven't changed the oil in it for 79000 miles or maybe your water heater went out because the area that you live in has very hard water and it's 16 years old. Maybe you're sick because you haven't been taking care of the Lord's Temple and your 120 lbs. overweight and you have developed diabetes.  The doctor has told you need to lose the weight or you're going to get diabetes.

 A lot of times when we feel we're under attack it's because of our own doing or because it is just life.   Things just happen.   A few years ago, we had an ice storm and my driveway was frozen over.  I carefully walked out to my truck on my way back I slipped on the ice and broke my leg.  Some people would say in that instance that they were under attack from the enemy. I say I slipped on the ice and broke my leg.   Life happens …. accidents happen. 

I must say that I feel a lot of times we give too much credit to the enemy. I'm talking about the enemy that is already defeated. Personally, for myself I refuse to give the enemy credit for just about anything that happens.   He is weak he is unstable he doesn't know who he is. On the other hand, though you know who you are you are a mighty man or women of God. You are a son of God. You are a warrior.  You my friend make the enemy run!

Let's just say what if? What if The Lord brought the memory of an old girlfriend or boyfriend back to you?  You could very easily think that is an attack. But what if it's not an attack what if the Lord is showing you his goodness. It's just a memory I get memories like that all the time I just don't consider them attacks from the enemy who's already defeated.

Look at those thoughts as opportunities of training and what I mean is when those thoughts come to mind. Take them captive to The Obedience of Christ.  Hear is a thought …… maybe pray for them.
You haven't seen your old girlfriend or old boyfriend in 10 years.  He or She popped back in your mind just like a brother that you haven't talked to in a couple of years and we all know that when the Lord brings somebody to our mind that we should call them or pray for them look at these instances as opportunities and not attacks. Turn the tables into your favor

Do attacks happen yes, they do. I can't tell you how many times I have been spending time in the word and then unexpectedly the visual Rolodex comes alive in my mind.   I would say that those old pornographic images that resurface are attacks. Then I have a choice dwell on the thought or take it captive

10:5 Every lofty idea and argument positioned against the knowledge of God is cast down and exposed to be a mere invention of our own imagination. We arrest every thought that could possibly trigger an opposing threat to our redeemed identity and innocence at spear point! The caliber of our weapon is empowered by the revelation of the ultimate consequence of the obedience of Christ. (The obedience of Christ dwarfs the effect of the disobedience of Adam into insignificance! See Romans 5:12-21.)

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Come, follow me.

“Come, follow me.” (Matt. 4:19) 
“Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt. 4:19) 
“One thing you lack. . . . Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” (Mark 10:21) 
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)
 Whoever continues to minister to me, let him keep on following me; where I go you will share unhindered companionship with me. This shared union is what Father greatly values.                 (John 12:26)

Jesus never called us to be leaders he only said follow me that's being a disciple. 

The disciples or should I say the 12 left everything behind their homes, their comforts, even their friends, they changed people, places and play things to be sold out to follow Jesus. I often have wondered for myself if I have stepped into that Circle of twelve where I have left everything behind to follow him. I read a quote that says, “the true test of leadership is determined by how effective we are at helping others.”  Leonard Sweet

I have heard it said in churches and in small groups that we need to raise up leaders. However Jesus focuses on the following. I don't think Jesus ever says follow me so you can be a leader he just says follow me.  

Jesus says follow me now,  he doesn't say follow me later at your convenience.

For the last couple years or maybe longer, I’m going to stay longer. My wife could probably tell you exactly how long.  I have been trying to relinquish the financing part of the business over to her. She has an ability with finances that I just can't come close to. For years I've been wearing many hats in my company but this is the one part that I've struggled with relinquishing. She asked me the other day “do you trust me or not you know I'm good with money.” She said.   This comes on the heels of our taxes getting done and some very unwelcomed news.  Let's just say I had a banner year in 2016 and my estimated taxes weren't enough and it's my fault. Had I relinquished the finances over when I was told to we wouldn't be having an issue today.

I tell you the story because it's all good. I have relinquished the finances and the Lord has been given my wife ideas on how to make the business more efficient.  I am truly excited. The other side to this is I believe I have been following Jesus in all areas of my life except the finances of my business. I'm sure there's some other areas right now but I can't think of them. Today as a follower of Jesus I believe I am following him in all areas of my life now.   That could all change though.  I have found that sin is very sneaky.   I have to be on my toes or should I say Follow Jesus more intimately?
Are you in the circle of Twelve?    
….In the Twelve, we follow Jesus to the places of leaving all. Crosby, Robert. The One Jesus Loves:

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Jesus, you are my only hope I don't have a plan B.

Jesus, you are my only hope,      I don't have a plan B.

I have been a little all over the place this morning from reading a book spending time in Matthew spending time and John listening to a sermon by Dave Busby and here I am on 1st Corinthians 10:13

NIV 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

The Mirror version 10:13 Your situation is not unique! Every human life faces contradictions! Here is the good news: God believes in your freedom! He has made it possible for you to triumph in every situation that you will ever encounter!

I have always read this and thought God's never going to tempt me beyond my abilities to bear and that he's always going to provide a way out. Which for me I used to think that maybe I'll get a phone call or somebody would show up at my house. Sometimes I would get the phone call, but then I have too answer it  Never clicked until this morning that I think what He means is the way out is that you have to endure it and walk through it.  I mean what if the phone doesn't ring?  What if the person doesn't come to your house? What if and all you have is Jesus to go through this? To go deeper further still.   The way out is Jesus. 

What if you have a car wreck and roll your car down the embankment and you are pinned in the car. Your cell phone doesn't work you can't get out you have no choice but to rely on him whether it's a Temptation or a trial

John 16:33

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Listen and then obey

I have a little story about an obedience I want to share because I almost chose to walk in disobedience.  I went out to visit a customer Thursday morning about a job and she's a repeat customer. I have a good relationship with her and her husband. We discussed the bathroom remodel that I'm going to bid on I don't remember what I said. But it triggered her to tell me that she thought she had cancer and they found out that it was her thyroid gland.  We visited some more about her condition and the job and then I left. I'm driving down the road thinking that I'm going to send her a text message that I was going to pray for her healing as I was typing it out, I heard Holy Spirit say turn around and go back to her house and pray for her. I was already 10 minutes down the road and I thought to myself I don't want to. I have things to do today. I heard Holy Spirit say again go back and pray for her.   I turned my truck around and I went back to the house.  As I was driving back to the house Holy Spirit wanted me to ask her if she had any unforgiveness towards anybody   When I got out of my truck she was on the front porch sitting.   She asked me if I forgot anything and I said well kind of. 
While we were talking I asked her to close her eyes and ask Holy Spirit if she had any un forgiveness and immediately she said yes towards my husband.   I looked at her and said did he cheat on you and she said yes.  She confessed unforgiveness and without me saying anything prayed a blessing over her husband.   I prayed for her healing and I prayed for the healing of her thyroid because I think they're connected it was a very powerful moment. it was truly a Divine appointment that I almost let it slip through my fingers.   I am so glad I chose to go back because she is walking in Freedom now. The cool thing is that I had just had a conversation an hour earlier with my friend from Amarillo and we were talking about praying over people and people getting healed.
I texted her later during the day and asked her how she was doing.  She said she has had a great day!
Thank you, Jesus!
Kee Gwyn
Find out what God is doing, run to it as fast as you can and then go further still.

James 1:25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Scandal of Grace

The praise and worship band Hillsong wrote a song called the Scandal of Grace. The Scandal of Grace,  you died in my place so my soul will live. 
I thought that was a weird name. I didn't get it. But this morning as I'm reading I get to Philippians.  

 Philippians 2.4  to discover your own completeness in Christ frees you to turn your attention away from yourself to others.  

I am not sure where Todd White came up with the quote "I'm so free from me I'm free from you"  but it might have to do with this scripture.

You know what Jesus did it's not normal to come to the Earth and live as a man.
To die or be crucified by the hands of the people he created that just messes with me.

Think about this for a moment. We get our little feelings hurt somebody said something somebody did something that really hurt us or we choose to be offended. But then Jesus puts himself up on the cross and tells  the thief next to him you will be with me in Paradise.   that's just not normal. That is scandalous.   He knows he's going to die and the guy next to him who stole and lied and probably killed people ....... Jesus is not offended and invites him to the kingdom.  No ..... he tells him you will be with me in Paradise.

That makes all of my whining about being offended or being angry just really petty and a total waste of time and energy

Quote from "unoffendable"  the point is freedom - freedom to love. Freedom to have God-given site, the ability to look at that highly offensive someone and see what is not yet, as though it were.

Jesus says love your enemies love your neighbor. Love your neighbor more than yourself the world looks at us and they see a peculiar people.

1 Peter 2.9  but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A peculiar people that you should show forth the manliness  of him who called you out of the darkness and Into His Marvelous Light. 

Jesus had one kind of lens that he saw life through and it is the lens of love. But we as a people we choose what lenses we want to see people through how many lenses do you have?

Thursday, September 28, 2017

I'm reading in a book called unoffendable. There have been lots of nuggets of Truth in it that have really spoken to me. The Lord has been speaking to me about my anger and how it is increasingly about choice. There was a question poised in the book.

  “If there is such a thing as righteous anger then why isn't it part of the fruits of the spirit? “
 I've been chewing on that one for a while. We're all going to get angry but it literally is your choice on how long you're going to stay angry or how you're going to act through your anger. The quote right here specifically spoke to me this morning

“He wants to know us, and He wants us to know Him. He wants us to want Him. Not ideas or abstractions about Him, but Him. Ultimately, this is a more restful life. Not just because it might mean some quiet, meditative moments— though they’re wonderful— but because when we surrender control, there’s so much less at stake in life for us.”

“But do you know where constant worry comes from? It’s rooted in an arrogance that assumes, I know the way my life has to go, and God’s not getting it right. Real humility means to relax. Real humility means to laugh at yourself. Real humility means to be self-critical.” 3 We hold on to worry because we don’t trust God. We hold on to anger because we don’t trust God. We feel threatened because we’re insecure, and we’re insecure because— surprise!— we don’t trust God.”

When you start practicing it, you realize: choosing to be unoffendable means actually, for real, trusting God.

Phil 4:6 Let no anxiety about anything 1distract you! Rather translate moments into prayerful worship, and soak your requests in gratitude before God! (The word 1merimnao, anxiety, through the idea of distraction, from merits, to divide. Your requests do not surprise God; he knows your thoughts from afar and is acquainted with all your ways; yet he delights in your conversation and childlike trust! Song of Songs 2:14; Mat 6:8) 4:7 And in this place of worship and gratitude you will witness how the peace of God within you echoes the awareness of your oneness in Christ Jesus beyond the reach of any thought that could possibly unsettle you. (uperecho) Just like the 1sentry guard secures a city, watching out in advance for the first signs of any possible threat, your hearts deepest feelings and the tranquility of your thoughts are fully guarded there. (This peace is not measured by external circumstances, it is residing deeply in the innermost parts of your being. We are not talking about a fragile sense of peace that can easily be disturbed; one that we have to fabricate ourselves; this is God’s peace; the peace that God himself enjoys!)

Everything that I've read today and over the last few days still circles back to unbelief. If I am walking and believing who God says I am.   Then it's going to be hard to not trust him with all of life's circumstances. So, I personally have a way to go.

Jesus, Help me with my unbelief!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Just got back off quest, another amazing event where Daddy showed off. As I reflect on the past 6 days I see a pattern that had developed in my quiet time down at the Gate. Monday Holy Spirit took me to Hebrews 4:1
 What a foolish thing it would be if we should now fail in a similar fashion to enter his rest where we get to celebrate the full consequences of our redemption. (Why waste another lap in the same wilderness of unbelief!)  So, the first day He was speaking to me about entering into His rest and staying out of the Wilderness of unbelief. Thinking about this statement, it just dawned on me it is very hard to enter into his rest when you are walking in unbelief.    I am not saying you can’t enter into his rest but maybe you are not as intimate as you could be.

Day 2.   As I was sitting in my spot I felt Holy Spirit was leading me to go back and read Hebrews 3 and sure enough it touches on unbelief again.
3: 12 Make sure that none of you tolerates the poison of unbelief in your hearts, allowing callousness to distract and distance you from the living God. (Unbelief, believing a lie about yourself and your salvation [Num 13:33, Josh 2:11]; unbelief exchanges the living God for a dead god of your own imagination. A calloused heart is a mind dominated by the senses.)  So, I'm starting to see a pattern here, Holy Spirit what are you trying to show me because frankly guys and gals I did not think I was walking in any type of unbelief. Little did I know of what was coming.

Day 3 He took me to Hebrews chapter 5 and specifically verse 8 and 9.
5:8 Acquainted with sonship he was in the habit of 1hearing from above; what he heard 2distanced him from the effect of what he had suffered. (The word often translated as obedience is the word, 1upoakuo, under the influence of hearing, or hearing from above. “By” the things he suffered, 2apo, away from, distanced. “Then I said, I read in your book what you wrote about me; so here I am, I have come to fulfill your will.”
 [Heb 10:7]) 5:9 By his perfect hearing he forever freed mankind to hear what he had heard. (He now makes it possible for us to hear in such a way that we may participate again in the full release of our original identity; the logos finding voice in the incarnation in us.)
 Now we're talking about unbelief, entering into his rest and identity.   I then received a text from a friend of mine and it was really good and very powerful and there was a line in it that said
“Holy Spirit says to run to the offense... He's revealing something beautiful!!!”
So we're talking rest, unbelief, identity and now walking in un-forgiveness.  I'm thinking, all right where are we going with this?
Later that night someone brings up unbelief in the group and so I am looking for an old blog that I wrote about unbelief but I could not find it in time to share it. I did finally find it and when I read it, it was for me.

That morning during staff meeting I confessed my unforgiveness towards two people in my life.  One I had been harboring unforgiveness towards since 2005.  Did not see that coming and the other since about Feb of this year, absolutely did not see that one coming.   So, while I am on the floor confessing that's when Holy Spirit revealed to me that the second person that I needed to forgive. 
In summary I have been walking in un-forgiveness. I did realize that I had been mad for the last 5 or 6 months but to be honest I didn't think I was walking in un-forgiveness but Holy Spirit showed me I was.  For the last 5 or 6 months or the last 12 years, I have been reacting through the eyes of a hurt individual and I didn't even know it. When does a deceived person know he's deceived? He doesn't until Holy Spirit reveals it to him. So, while I'm on the floor confessing I get a vision of washing this person's feet. So that person is coming to my house today and we're going to talk and I am going to confess. I believe all of this has come about because I chose to enter into his rest and to listen.  The truth is if you are walking as a son in your true identity, you're not going to walk in un-forgiveness, you’re going to know who you are. And when people say things and do hurtful things, you have to choose not to believe the lie about yourself and you have to walk as a son.  You must choose life,

Todd White says, “I am so free from me I am free from you!”   

That is who I strive to be.

I leave you with this one question.
What is the lie that you are believing about yourself that is keeping you from walking as a Son or Daughter of the King?  Ask Holy Spirit right now

2 Corinthians 4:4 The survival and self-improvement programs of the 1religious systems of this world veil the minds of the unbelievers; exploiting their ignorance about their true origin and their redeemed innocence. The veil of unbelief obstructs a person’s view and keeps them from seeing what the light of the gospel so clearly reveals: the 2glory of God is the image and likeness of our Maker redeemed in human form; this is what the gospel of Christ is all about. (The god of this 1aion, age, refers to the religious systems and governing structures of this world. The unbelief that neutralized Israel in the wilderness was the lie that they believed about themselves; “We are grasshoppers, and the ‘enemy’ is a giant beyond any proportion!” [Num 13:33, Josh 2:11, Heb 4:6] “They failed to possess the promise due to unbelief.” The blueprint 2doxa, glory of God, is what Adam lost on humanity’s behalf. [See Eph 4:18]).