Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Matthew 5.8

Chapter 11 still. This has been a very good chapter. I talked about surrendering our opinion before you can see something another way. I am not speaking for everyone but a lot of us will hold on to our point of view. I think we could call that pride, don't you think. We want to be RIGHT! We have invested a lot emotionally and repenting means admitting that we were wrong. Quote: We say we want to see the truth, but we are not willing to suffer the risk of being wrong. Now we have an irreconcilable difference. At this point, a revelation from God will have no effect on us. (I love this part) A revelation from God is not necessarily Him showing us something new, a revelation is simply what we see when we are flexible enough to change our mental/ emotional position about an issue and look at it from a different point of view. God doesn't show us something He previously kept hidden; we see something He wanted to show us all along.

Matthew 5:8
blessed are the pure in heart,
for they shall see God.NKJV Keep your heart pure from Judgment and you will see the Lord……. That is an awesome thing


Let go of your predetermined ideas and you may see a lot of hurtfull events differently.

Remember, this is only how I see it, I must see it from another position to overcome this offense



Sunday, August 29, 2010

Luke 15.7

Chapter 11, back to the Preacher story. Let's just say for grins you chose not to go back to the preacher and tell him what happened. What I mean is you never approached him without judgment and told him how it made you feel, so you could actually work it out and find out what really happened. What you did was carry this for months, or years. Every time you tell the story it gets worse, because you never remember what actually happened, you just remember how it made you feel. You have actually left the church and are going to a new church, where you are telling the story again. Now you are in exaggeration mode. The last time you told the story, you remembered how it made you feel; the last time you remembered telling it. What a vicious cycle. There has to be a point where you say "Enough"

"You must be willing to surrender your opinion before you can see it another way" quote from book

The bible calls this repentance:

repentance, a word covering several biblical ideas that range from regret to changing one's mind or behavior so as to bring about a moral or ethical conversion.

Luke 15:7
In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven't strayed away!NLT

