Saturday, October 23, 2010

1 Corinthians 11.26-28

1 Corinthians 11:26-28
For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes. I don't know about you but this is saying every time you eat remember … do you? I have to say that I don't take communion every time I sit down to eat …. But I think about it almost every time. So is that my conscience or Holy Spirit? 27 Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. So what does it mean to partake in an unworthy manner? What does that look like? 28 But a man must examine himself, and in so doing he is to eat of the bread and drink of the cup.NASB95

dok·im·ad·zo/] v. From 1384; TDNT 2:255; TDNTA 181; GK 1507 and 1508; 23 occurrences; AV translates as "prove" 10 times, "try" four times, "approve" three times, "discern" twice, "allow" twice, "like" once, and "examine" once. 1 to test, examine, prove, scrutinize (to see whether a thing is genuine or not), as metals. 2 to recognize as genuine after examination, to approve, deem worthy. So here is my question….. When you examine, what are you examining? What does it say above in the definition? To Approve, deem worthy. Guess what? You are approved and you are worthy! Why? Because you are a son of the living God. The goal is to look inward and to look at the cross of Christ and what His blood purchased, His sacrifice makes us approved. The world teaches us to look at our hearts and to ask "What's wrong with me? Paul says to examine yourself for approval. Look into your heart to find what brings you approval (quote chpt. 28) The only thing that qualifies us before God is the finished work of Jesus. Amen!


Friday, October 22, 2010

James 5.16

The fear of Judgment …. A nasty place to be, an easy place to be. The Lord does not sit up there and decide to leave you or forsake you for something we did, but He hurts because of what we are doing to ourselves, whatever that may be. So many times we will confess our sin to the Lord but we will not confess to one another like it says in James 5:16 therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.NIV You have to get to a point where you can confess to one another without the fear of being judged. Many times it is the fear of being judged that makes us not want to confess. Proverbs 28:13
He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.NIV

So confess your sin and walk free or keep it to yourself and be bound up. So the question is this: have you confessed to the Lord but not to your brother? If that is the case, then do what needs to be done and don't give the enemy any ground by keeping your mouth shut. If you are fessed up, then more power to you. Amen

Be Free


Thursday, October 21, 2010

So we will better know you


Lord, sometimes we cannot help the way we think.

That really does stink.

You know what, that is okay.

Look to the clouds and pray.


Sometimes Lord, we cannot explain

The way we truly feel.

Sometimes we are in so much pain

Nothing seems real.


Everything You do God, is so calculated

So why does life sometimes feel so complicated.

He speaks to us in prayer that is how we communicate.

He always gives us something to contemplate.


The Lord instills in us confidence

The Lord in our lives is not a coincidence.

Sometimes it takes a crisis to get us out of our stalemate.

He tells us that whatever we do, please do not deviate.


The Lord is talking about our walk.

He says, "spread my word when you talk."

Some people will not listen, that is okay.

Those that do not listen get their names and pray.




By kevin gwyn

ÓCopyrighted 4/17/2002




Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The rest of the Story

The rest of the Story: Darrin Hufford is the man in the story. He is the author of several books. This story comes from the book I just finished called "The Misunderstood God".

A young married couple had asked him to stop by their house and minister to the young lady who was living with them. They said she was demon possessed. They were going to be with him but they had to go out of town at the last minute so he had to go alone. This made him very nervous. He had actually been training for a while about deliverance. So he got prayed up and when arrived at the house he even drove around the house seven times. He put anointing oil on his hands so when he shook the girls hand he would scare the demons but to his amazement nothing happened. So he sat down with the young lady and she begins to explain to him that the demon in her spoke to her all the time and that she knew his name. That is when he said, can I pray with you? she said, yes but you cannot use the J-word (Jesus). That was paralyzing to the author! It would be like training a soldier in the use of a weapon and then stripping him of it moments before battle. How are you supposed to cast out demons without using the name of Jesus? So what did he do? He pleaded the blood, rebuked the demon and called down the blessings, but nothing happened. He said he was dead in the water and felt like a traveling snake oil salesman at the end of his bag of tricks.

So he sat there with her for more than two hours feeling embarrassed and emotional spent. While sitting there thinking about what else he could do, he caught a glimpse of the little girl. She had not slept in days. He saw a little girl consumed in fear that she could barely sit still. It was in that moment that his heart broke for her as if she was his own child. He got up and walked across the room and took her into his arms and held her tightly. Everything in inside of him melted and he cried with her as he held her. That moment that young lady was set free. Her name was Joy. And she had reclaimed her Joy in his arms. He learned that day that tricks are for kids. Though he was stripped of using Jesus' name, He found that if he became Jesus to her all the power of the universe was at my fingertips. It was love that sat her free. From the day forward the author says that his entire ministry was built on the foundational truth that God is Love and that it is more important to be Jesus with skin on than to just say His name. God is Love and nothing else. God gave us the Golden rule. Do unto others as you would them do unto you. The golden rule is for God as well….. Not just us.

John 15:17
These things I command you, that you love one another.NKJV

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The J - Word

I have something for you to think about. You get a phone call from someone who asks you to go over to a friend of theirs to minister to the individual. They tell you this individual has demons hanging off of them like bats! This individual is expecting you. When you arrive this person answers the door and invites you in. You see that this individual is somewhat scared but you do not know what this person is scared of. You begin to ask questions and then you ask if you could pray for this individual and this individual says yes you may, but I have to ask you that you not say the

J – word (Jesus) when you pray for me. What are you going to do?

This is just something to chew on.
