Saturday, February 17, 2018

Faith and not flesh

John 3:18 Faith and not flesh defines you! In the persuasion of your authentic sonship there is no separation or rejection! For someone to prefer not to embrace this is to remain under their own judgment sustained by their futile efforts to define themselves through personal performance. In their stubborn unbelief they reject what is revealed and redeemed in the Name of the son, begotten only of the Father and not the flesh. The Mirror

Faith and not flesh defines you! In the persuasion of your authentic sonship there is no separation or rejection! Sometimes I just have to be reminded about how my flesh gets in the way and to not let my emotions and feelings get in the way of who Jesus says I am.

For someone to prefer not to embrace this is to remain under their own judgment sustained by their futile efforts to define themselves through personal performance.  I read this statement and I can't help but Wonder how many times this happens to us. Especially at work or at church, when a role that we have been in that we are comfortable in has suddenly been changed.  Sometimes without any warning at all. Maybe it's for the good maybe it's not but we have to trust that the Lord has orchestrated it for the best.    
I remember in 1993 I was the head golf professional at a Country Club of Dimmitt. I had been there 8 months when unexpectedly the owner of the club hired a business manager. I was freaking pissed because I was the boss and now I had a new boss that I had to answer to you instead of the owner. At that time, I was at a disadvantage because I was not walking as a son and I felt betrayed, rejected and just flat-out hurt.  The reality was it was purely a business decision to take a load off of me. I just didn't want to see it that way. Not only was I the golf professional I was also over the whole club, the golf course superintendent,  restaurant manager and I was working 70 hours a week and driving 2 hours a day. 

In their stubborn unbelief they reject what is revealed and redeemed in the Name of the son, begotten only of the Father and not the flesh.  Today I will not walk in the unbelief!  I chose to receive who I am as a son of the most high God and to not let circumstances or changes in my situation define me.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

How big is your problem?

I hear the question this morning while I'm reading. "How big is your problem?"  My first thought was, I don't have a big problem, my second thought was I have some little problems. My thought after that was, why are you even asking me that question? I didn't get an answer to that question. So, I just sit still and then the thought trust in the Lord with all your heart came to mind.

Proverbs 3:4-6 trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.

Substitute the word heart with the word problems for just a moment. I think a lot of times we tend to trust the Lord with the small problems and not with the big ones. Some of us trust the Lord with the big ones and not with the little ones and some of us think we got this. Which one are you. Or do you trust the Lord with everything?

Go back to yesterday where I wrote what is Jesus doing? If you recognize what he is doing, then are you okay with it? Do you have peace?  Are you sleeping at night or are you waking up in the middle of the night thinking about stuff that you have no control over?

Proverbs 3:7-8. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the lord and turn away from evil it will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.

What if you substituted the word evil for pride?

Fear the Lord and you will have healing over your flesh.

Lord, I pray that you shine your light on the areas that need to be exposed. Reveal where I want to have control and not you.  In Jesus name