Friday, October 29, 2010

Matthew 6.6

Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.

So is that what you do? I mean really? Is that what you do? When was the last time you got quiet? I mean really quiet? This is what it looks like to me; you get up in the morning or late at night and you get quiet. You don't open up your bible; you don't get on your knees and pray. You just get quiet. You quiet your mind and you sit and listen. For me that looks like sitting in my favorite chair in my office and closing my eyes and try to think of things of God. It is a very difficult thing for me to do. To get quiet and not be distracted. Matthew 6.6 says when you pray, go to the closet (secret place) and shut the door and when your Heavenly Father sees what you have done in secret He will reward you in the open. For those of you that have young kids or grandkids this is what that looks like. Do you remember the last time that little child just came over and crawled up in your lap and didn't say anything but was just quiet, (maybe fell asleep) and what did you do? You held this child and just loved on that child. You might even have whispered something over that child. You most assuredly spoke a blessing over that child. That is what it looks like. You go to the secret place and leave all of your cares, crap or whatever you want to call it outside, and close the door. You crawl up in your Fathers lap and let Him speak to you and you don't say anything in return, you just listen. I promise you when you do this; it is an incredible experience, very peaceful.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Nehemiah 2

I am putting a bid together for a kitchen remodel. It would be my first full blown kitchen remodel. New cabinets, appliances, paint and tile. I received an email from the customer about the scope of work and they approved it. Now I can give them the numbers without so many money changes. So I prayed about how much I should make on it, how much profit. I had a number in my mind.

So I did a little bible roulette and I opened up my bible to Nehemiah 2. 9 through 12 and I didn't know what they were talking about. So I went back to the beginning of Chpt 2 and read. When I got to the end of verse 8 that is when it just jumped off the page at me and that was really cool and I got total peace about what I am charging and feel I will get the job.




Nehemiah 2:8
And please give me a letter addressed to Asaph, the manager of the king's forest, instructing him to give me timber. I will need it to make beams for the gates of the Temple fortress, for the city walls, and for a house for myself." And the king granted these requests, because the gracious hand of God was on me.NLT

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Isaiah 55.9

I often times sit around and wonder about the crap that I am sitting in. You know … sometimes you just have to flush the toilet. I know this sounds vulgar, but we are talking depravity here … your cesspool. Have you smelled yours lately? I have noticed over the last few days … since last Wednesday that I have been on a somewhat downward spiral until last night. The other thing I have noticed is that I have caused my own issues. I heard a message on TV and God spoke through a circumstance. It is so easy to miss God when our minds are closed. I didn't really want to watch Joel Osteen because "REALLY" he kind of annoys me with all of his blinking. I kept watching though and he started to get my attention and then I realized that I really didn't want to hear the Lord that way. I wanted to hear him my way and I almost missed him. How many times do we get stuck in old traditions and then we miss what God is saying? We put God in a box.

Be open to what God is saying no matter what circumstance you are in. God speaks to us right now as if we are already what He has called us to be. Not where we are right now.

Isaiah 55:9
"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.NKJV