Saturday, April 24, 2010

Luke 12

On April 13th I wrote about being an unworthy slave.

9 "He does not thank the slave because he did the things which were commanded, does he?
10 "So you too, when you do all the things which are commanded you, say, 'We are unworthy slaves; we have done only that which we ought to have done.' "

So, today I am reading Luke 11 and move into 12 when I come across this,

Luke 12:35-38 (NASB95)
35 "Be dressed in readiness, and keep your lamps lit.
36 "Be like men who are waiting for their master when he returns from the wedding feast, so that they may immediately open the door to him when he comes and knocks.
37 "Blessed are those slaves whom the master will find on the alert when he comes; truly I say to you, that he will gird himself to serve, and have them recline at the table, and will come up and wait on them.
38 "Whether he comes in the second watch, or even in the third, and finds them so, blessed are those slaves.

I need to focus on being the unworthy slave and be ready when he comes.

The other thing he gave me this morning was verse 22-25

Luke 12:22-25 (NASB95)
22 And He said to His disciples, "For this reason I say to you, do not worry about your life
(life translates to soul), as to what you will eat; nor for your body, as to what you will put on.
23 "For life
(soul) is more than food, and the body more than clothing.
24 "Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap; they have no storeroom nor barn, and yet God feeds them; how much more valuable you are than the birds!
25 "And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life's span?

AMEN! For me this verse speaks says "let the chips fall where they fall toady and tomorrow. What I get done I get done. I am not in control anyway.

I also believe the verse 35 is for the staff of Michigan Quest.

35 "Be dressed in readiness, and keep your lamps lit.

Be Blessed today and walk it out!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oswald Chambers

It is always interesting how God works. I opened my devotion this morning to April 27th after looking at my calendar to see it is the 22nd. So I guess I was supposed to read this day. Anyway I think the devotion speaks for itself.

Are you seeking great things for yourself? Not seeking to be a great one, but seeking great things from God for yourself. God wants you in a closer relationship to Himself than receiving His gifts, He wants you to get to know Him. A great thing is accidental, it comes and goes. God never gives us anything accidental. Nothing is easier than getting into a right relationship with God except when it is not God Whom you want but only what He gives.

If you have only come the length of asking God for things, you have never come to the first strand of abandonment, you have become a Christian from a standpoint of your own. 'I did ask God for the Holy Spirit, but He did not give me the rest and the peace I expected.' Instantly God puts His finger on the reason—you are not seeking the Lord at all, you are seeking something for yourself. Jesus says—"Ask, and it shall be given you." Ask God for what you want, and you cannot ask if you are not asking for a right thing. When you draw near to God, you cease from asking for things. "Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him." Then why ask? That you may get to know Him.

Are you seeking great things for yourself—'O Lord, baptize me with the Holy Ghost'? If God does not, it is because you are not abandoned enough to Him, there is something you will not do. Are you prepared to ask yourself what it is you want from God, and why you want it? God always ignores the present perfection for the ultimate perfection. He is not concerned about making you blessed and happy just now; He is working out His ultimate perfection all the time—"that they may be one even as We are."


After I read this then He gave me the other scriptures to go with this devotion. Very fitting don't you think. Be blessed today and walk it out. Kevin


Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4


5 And do you seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them; for behold, I will bring adversity on all flesh," says the Lord. "But I will give your life to you as a prize in all places, wherever you go." ' Jeremiah 45:5 (NKJV)

11 Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am.
12 I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. I have learned in any and all circumstances the secret of facing every situation, whether well-fed or going hungry, having a sufficiency and enough to spare or going without and being in want. "Philippians 4:11-12 (AMP)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

2 Corinthians 2:6

It has been a very busy week and I am tired. Three different times this week I have been lead to Luke 17. This morning as well. I did not see what He wanted me to see. I was a little depressed about it. I went to the store and when I came back I started over. This time I got out my quest list and started to pray for them and I was reading over their emails when I came across one that I needed to respond too. Which lead me to 2 Corinthians 10:5 which we all know,

Corinthians 10:5 (DARBY)
5 overthrowing reasonings and every high thing that lifts itself up against the knowledge of God, and leading captive every thought into the obedience of the Christ;
But it was verse 6 that I had never noticed before. It leaped off the page.

2 Corinthians 10:6 (NKJV)
6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

1556 ἐκδικέω [ekdikeo /ek·dik·eh·o/] v. From 1558; TDNT 2:442; TDNTA 215; GK 1688; Six occurrences; AV translates as "avenge" five times, and "revenge" once. 1 to vindicate one's right, do one justice. 1a to protect, defend, one person from another. 2 to avenge a thing. 2a to punish a person for a thing.


I thought this was really good. You take that thought captive and what happens? You avenge, you get revenge, you protect and defend your mind from the enemy. Holding everythought captive is walking in obedience. Hmmmm

Be Blessed and walk it out
