Friday, November 20, 2015

Lust and comfort (not always about porn)

A revelation I have known for a while.  It is not about the filters it is about the heart.  It is not about accountability it is about the heart.  Filters are only deterrents.  Accountability?  well you decide?   Another revelation is where I relied more on the Filters,   than I did Holy Spirit to stay pure.  What are you relying on?

It has taken me a long time to come to that and it took Daddy to reveal that to me.  As of four weeks ago I am filter free.  I have had filters on my computers since 2001.  I became a “professional get around the filter guy”   Until the heart is healed all the filters and accountability will not do anything.  They are temporary fixes.   There are no filters in the grocery store.  There are no filters on your eyes when you are staring at a hot woman. .  The filter is the heart.  There are no accountability partners in the grocery store either.   I do believe there is a season where you do need men in your life that will hold you accountable.  I do believe there is a season where you need a filter on your computer.  Let’s face it.   If you want to look at porn no man and no filter will prevent that.  There is no filter for the visual Rolodex that is in your mind.

I am writing to you on a computer that has no filter on it anymore and my wife knows about it.  We talk about it.  I don’t have men that hold me accountable any more,  it doesn’t work for the most part.  You can only be held accountable to your Daddy in Heaven.   You need brothers to sharpen you and to speak truth to you.

You have to come to the understanding that this is not about lust but it is about the comfort that you seek when you believe the lie about yourself.  Whatever that lie may be.   What if your comfort was food?  There is not a filter for that? What if your comfort was golf?  No filter there. There is not a filter when you feel bad and want to go to Cabela’s or to best buy and spend money so you can feel better

My question to you is this.  What is the lie that you believe about yourself that is keeping you from the promise land?

 I have read every book out there about porn addiction and they all say the same thing but with a different twist.

I am not saying remove the filters,  Because I had them for years.   What I am saying is you do need to take your heart to Daddy.

I am the Light of the World  John 8:12
12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, m“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Monday, November 16, 2015

Never saw it coming part 2 Brag on Daddy!

Hello everyone,  I was on Quest last week.  (what a great week)  I want to share with you a couple of things.   I  was walking down the road praying Saturday morning on Quest 137.   I got it,  the revelation that my Lord is my Daddy.   It finally clicked from my head to my heart.  You have no idea how big this is.  I honestly didn’t realize how big it was until the revelation hit me and I was in tears.  This quest was very powerful.   It was also very powerful for me in particular.   What I wanted to share with you is what I got this morning in my time with Daddy.  I was very emotionally and physically tired and I still woke up at 5 o'clock a.m. and spent almost an hour with Him this morning. My devotion took me to 1 Corinthians 10 not realizing that that is the chapter that has the temptation Scripture in it. You know the one that goes “no temptation has seized you accept what is common to man and God is faithful and he will always provide your way out so that you can stand up under it.”  When I read it this morning I felt like I was supposed to read in the mirror Bible.   Daddy had my number dialed in this morning,  I did not make it past verse 13. It was so different I didn't even realize it was the temptation scripture that I know so well.  It was verse 12 that got me.   1 Corinthians 10:12  If you reckon that you have it all together, make sure that you are standing strong (in your true identity) when temptation strikes! How foolish it would be for us to now fall into the same unbelief that killed Israel! (They believed a lie about themselves [Num 13:33].) 10:13 Your situation is not unique! Every human life faces contradictions! Here is the good news: God believes in your freedom! He has made it possible for you to triumph in every situation that you will ever encounter!  in fact 1st Corinthians 10:13 is the first scripture I ever memorized so what I want to let you know is that I no longer have filters on my computers because I don't need them anymore. My Daddy has healed me my heart and my heart is good.  I have had a paradigm shift in my heart and now I know my Lord as Daddy. 
So here is what I know.  I have a Daddy who loves me and calls me son.  My heart is healed and whole.  My identity is in Christ.    I have been crucified.
This Quest …. Quest 137  I received freedom in so many ways.  I am new……. And all the glory goes to my Daddy!!!!!!
John 8:54  If I want glory for myself it does not count, but it is my Father who glorifies me ………