Friday, July 22, 2011


Here is what He is showing me. Humility! I have several construction jobs going on. When there are several jobs going I become like the juggler you see on TV who is spinning about 15 plates or so. You know who I am talking about. He is constantly spinning a plate to keep them all going. Right now that is what I feel like. I have fifteen plates spinning and I had about 8 of them crash to the floor and shatter this week. What the Lord showed me today is I am responsible for spinning those plates and if I would pay more attention to the details instead of the big picture then it would be easier to keep the plates spinning and then there would be no broken plates. Which means …… no mess to clean up or unexpected job expenses. He also showed me that I am the cause of the majority of my pain because I did not pay attention to the details. That is always nice when the Lord shows you that it was your fault and no one else's. Hmmmmmm


After the week I have had, I actually thought for just a moment (actually a couple of seconds) felt like everyone was out to get me. Is that a lie from the enemy or what!


I am alive

I am healthy

I am working

My family is healthy

The Lord loves me

I love Him

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My son in law

I wrote about this a few days ago and it really hit me tonight. Always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that you have. Always be Jesus with skin on because you never know who is watching. I had the privilege of meeting a young man about 5 years ago. He is the daddy of my grandson and his name is Dantrell. I have not seen him in like a year or year and half … not sure. Dantrell and my daughter went their separate ways and it was hard on both of them and little Jeremiah. Last Friday we met Dantrell in Denton to pick up Jeremiah and take him to Amarillo to be with his mom. That was very hard for me to see those two saying goodbye to each other. It broke my heart. Tonight I get a text message from him out of the blue and it says I just wanted to tell you that you are the number 1 person in this world that I look up to and I wish my dad was like you. What an Honor. Very humbling. I got some more text from him and I really felt like I needed to call him. So I did …. He was in tears but it was good. I believe God has him right where he wants him. We talked about 30 minutes and I prayed for him. He said he would go on a Quest I just don't know if he can get off work. Please pray for him. I am trying to see if I can get him on August. We will see what Holy Spirit Says about that. The reason I share this is because you never know who you are going to impact with your actions or re actions so be Jesus with skin on and


Givem Heaven out there!