Wednesday, October 24, 2012

More of Him less of me

Proverbs 27:17 As Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Had someone tell me on the phone yesterday that they were seeing more of me in the last month and less of God. The sad thing is that what was said was true. In some ways, I was seeing that myself but did not want to believe it. Thank you Jesus for putting men in my life that will speak life into me and not death.

Galatians 5:7 you were running the race so well. Who has held you back from following the truth?

I was reading my testimony last night and the enemy was saying you need to re write this because it is a lie. In my mind I thought "WHATEVER" I know who I am. It is so easy to be taken out of your game and not even realize what is happening. It is so easy to believe the lie, whatever the lie may be. This morning I spent 30 minutes reading…… all of 2 Corinthians. I read it all because I wanted to write something to send out. I got nothing. I was very frustrated. It was only when I stopped searching that I received something to write. I opened up an email that I had received back on July 7th and this is what it said.

Philippians 1:20-21

20 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Can it get any clearer than that? I must die so I can live ……. Are you dying or are you living?



  1. Kee
    As you know we just returned from Quest and the word The Lord gave us for that week was
    2 Cor 4:10-14 always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So then death is working in us, but life in you.

    So the Questers kept say "Death in me, Life in them". This became a powerful statement for us all.
    One of the ones
    Ron DeArmond
    Be one of the ones at

  2. So you've been living at my house sense when?!
    You have never sent something that has hit me so directly. Thank you Holy Spirit for shaking me , reminding me who and whose I really am.

  3. We tend to get so focused on the tasks on hand that we forget to focus on the ONE that really matters. So many times I "forget" to read the word, pray, etc. because I loose my focus. Jesus said that his yoke is easy and burden light. We tend to put on those heavy burdens that take us away from our focus.

    A great business man once said to me to get a plan worked up and work the plan. So many times we come up with a plan, and then don’t work it........ Stay focused my friend. Stay focused on the ONE thing that really matters and all will work out great.

    Hard thing to do, easy to say.


  4. Dying daily. Resend me your testimony
    Mark L

  5. Good word bro. Thank you for your transparency.

    Father I pray today that when I am in a room that people see more of God than Patrick.

    Patrick Thomas

  6. I appreciate your email. While I know some is true and hard to swallow at times, you are a man of God. I follow you because you are real. I trust you, because you are real. I allow you to speak into me because it is your realness that makes me feel comfortable with the truth you speak. You are not patterned after someone else, you are KEVIN the KEE. Don't lose sight of who you are and the importance of how Daddy made you, it is a significant tool in your ministry tool bag. I love you and really miss you.

    Larry W.

  7. Good word Kevin. Death is a choice we make every day. God redeemed us at salvation. We renew our minds daily and by choice seek Jesus. God reveals to me different things that need to be placed under His lordship over time. Thanks for sharing.


  8. Thank you Kee. I haven't been dying much lately either. Thank you for the encouragement.
    Jimmy G

  9. Great one Sir Kevin. I am very much living more than ever, as opposed to dying. Great timing. Thanks for sharing

  10. Love it man. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Blessings

    Ben Grounds

    I slacked off of a most important prayer -- Father continue to santify me --
    I know that when I ask for His molding He is faithful to gently do His good work in me.
    Blessings and Challanges are on all sides --
    Would we all be as Psalms 119:74 They that fear Thee will be glad when they see me because I have hoped in the word.
    Kee, I am alway glad to see you!

    Ben G

  12. Thank you. Lord Jesus please reveal in all of us what direction You want us to go today, please put people in our path to guide and witness to. In Your name, Amen

    Rock n Roll men. Lets poke satan today every chance we get. We got swords, hack n jack with them. Be bold, like our Saviour did for us

    Sir B

  13. 😄Amen! Brother that is the Truth and once we die we will see so clearly what god is saying to us all. God bless and stay encourage with god word and not the world

    Sent from my iPhone

    Wayne K
