Every issue you face is already assigned an outcome that God
wants to generate. There is a victory in every situation that I face, and
I must seek it out and own it.
2nd Corinthians 2:14 But thanks be to God, who in Christ
always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance
of the knowledge of him everywhere.
May 16th I spoke
about judging God. About when I was asked to speak at a leads luncheon on May
26th. I figured out Saturday driving to
Amarillo that was God’s way of letting me down easy. It is such an honor to speak at one of these
events it would have been very upsetting if I would have had to cancel because
of the funeral. (Just knowing how I am)
we chose to drive down Saturday morning and I would have had to cancel anyway.
God knows what we
need before we even know it. May 26th, we buried our Aunt Claudia in Amarillo.
It was a sad day, but it was also a day of Celebration. A day that brought
family together.
It was a day of family.
The event organizer who contacted me and asked me to
reschedule had no idea of the bigger picture. (The bigger picture was Claudia.)
Had she not listened and rescheduled me for another time. I
would have had to call her Wednesday and reschedule myself. I was
going to have to cancel because of the funeral.
The funeral for me ended up being a huge family reunion and
we had not been together like that in years and I didn't even realize it until
today that my judgment has kept me separated from my family and I got healing
over the weekend. I got healing when I didn't even know I needed it. I didn't
even want to go to this funeral because I was too busy. I'm so glad I went. The
Lord showed me what I needed, and I didn't even know I needed it.
You always hear the phone works both ways. I am not going to call them! They never call me! You know what ……. That is just a bunch of ……….. Holy
Spirit showed me that if everyone picked up the phone and called. Then no one would be able to say, “the phone
works both ways.” You can’t make the
other person call be you. You cannot let
their actions keep you from calling them.
That is the Goodness of God. You can call, and they may hang up or they
may curse at you, or be tickled that you called. It does not matter the reason, because the
Goodness of God will prevail it always does and that is what I saw this
The Goodness of God.
don't let the enemy whisper to you and tell you who you are
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