3:5 Consider the members of your body as dead and buried towards everything related to the porn industry, sensual uncleanness, longing for forbidden things, lust and greed, which are just another form of idol worship. (Idol worship is worshiping a distorted image of yourself!)
Idol worship is worshipping a distorted image of yourself. Going to have to chew on that one for a while. I'm thinking it means it's my world and everybody else is just living in it. I hate that thought that I would be so selfish to look at anything that would arouse me including food or money anything that would give me Comfort.
I think back when I was on my quest and the robe of sin was presented to me as well as the robe of righteousness and I have a choice everyday which one of those garments I want to wear. And then this morning I read this scripture out of Colossians in the mirror version.
3:12 You are the product of God’s love; he restored you to his original thought. You belong to him exclusively. It is like changing garments. Now that you have gotten rid of the old, clothe yourselves with inner compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, (Just like you were once identified by your apparel, the characteristics of these qualities define you now.)
I like to say be Jesus with skin on.
3:14 Wear love like a uniform; this is what completes the picture of our oneness.
3:17 Your every conversation and the detail of your daily conduct reflect him; his name and lordship define your lives and inspire your deep gratitude to God the Father for his grace.
That means even driving down the road your conduct reflects him. I don't do very good in that area but I'm working on it.
It has been a good morning this morning I feel intimacy with my dad