Wednesday, April 8, 2015



So ….. it has been awhile.   My office has been in disarray for a while.  In my new shop I have no internet yet.   Ever since my last quest in January I have been spending a lot of time with the Lord in the mornings.  Over an hour every day.  I have been giving lots of nuggets.  Saturday we went and heard Todd White at Catch the Fire DFW 3-21-15 .  Really good.  I heard a couple of things.  One was about the simplicity of the gospel.  2 Cor. 11.3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. KJ The big thing was where he was speaking for himself and saying that for him the simplicity is taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.  I felt like I heard Holy Spirit say that is what your problem has been   you choose not to take some thoughts captive.  You choose sin-consciousness instead of son-consciousness.
I know for me taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ’s works.  I know for me ....... there have been many times that I have deliberately chosen not to take that thought captive for some reason or another.  I believe for the most part 99.9% of the time it is because I don’t believe who God says I am.  UNBELIEF.  I have said many times and probably so have you.  God help me with my unbelief.  When it should be God help me believe who you say I am!
This morning I am reading in Titus chpt 1 when I get to here.  1:15 the truth proves everything to be pure but to those who are contaminated with unbelief in their minds and conscience everything seems to be equally stained with impurity. (Unbelief is to believe a lie about yourselves. [Num 13:33 and 2 Cor 4:4]) 1:16  They might even pretend that they know God by saying a few nice clichés, but when it comes to real life the veneer cracks and the stench is nauseating; the effects of unbelief cannot be camouflaged.  The Mirror
I also heard  Holy Spirit say.  There is no root to the lust it is disobedience,  rebellion.  You choose not to take the thoughts captive,  My greatest time for my veneer cracking is when I am alone.  Not today!

How is your veneer?