Saturday, April 9, 2011

Can you hear Him?

So now that I have had confession with my wife and I am off the crutches, my walk with the Lord seems to be on the rise again. I am not sure I like that … I mean I hate the thought that my walk with the Lord depends on my attitude instead of spending time with Him to help me with my attitude. So…. I am reading this morning in Mark and before I read I always pray and ask for something I can write about. As you can see I don't write every day. My devotion this morning was out of Oswald and I thought it was the 7th so that is what I read … this is a quote "Say nothing until the Son of man is risen in you—until the life of the risen Christ so dominates you that you understand what the historic Christ taught. When you get to the right state on the inside, the word which Jesus has spoken is so plain that you are amazed you did not see it before. You could not understand it before; you were not in the place in disposition where it could be borne. This explains a lot of things, have you ever noticed when you make yourself read the word a lot of times you don't get anything? It is a common thing. So the big question or one of the questions this morning is this; Are you being dominated by the Risen Lord or is something else dominating you? So here is the second part verse 49 out of Mark says
…………………………………….."Take courage, stand up! He is calling for you."NASB95. Are you in the frame of mind to hear Him when He is calling you?


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Who do you obey?

26 But gthe 7Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will hsend in My name, iHe will teach you all things, and bring to your jremembrance all things that I said to you. John 14-17 are 4 chapters of the Gospels that are my favorites. So it was no surprise this morning when I woke to here John 14. So I read and it really spoke to me. You hear the Holy Spirit … I hear the Holy Spirit. So you can do like I did and hear Him and disobey for two months or hear Him and obey. After my confession I have had a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. I wish I had obeyed sooner. So what is Holy Spirit telling you or better yet, what has He told you to do? and you deliberately disobeyed Him? What I mean is … You heard Him and you know you heard Him and you just turned your back on Him. That is what I did and it did not work well for me.


I can remember growing up and my father telling me. (17yrs old) "Son, when you go down to Dallas for that concert, do not do anything to get thrown in jail," "Okay dad no problem." The consequences of the sin are bigger than the sin itself. I got thrown in jail.
When I got home I was disciplined. My vehicle was taken away and I was grounded for six weeks. I didn't have a cell phone or they would have taken that as well. My point is if you choose to walk in disobedience then you better be ready for the discipline. He disciplines those He loves and He loves you.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Confession is good for the Soul. Anyone read James lately? I have not but I know what He says about confessing and being healed. James 5:16
Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.The Message. Over the last two to three months, )not sure how long actually )I have felt that I needed to confess some particular things to my wife. Things that only the men I walk with know about. Evil things! I listened to a message the other day by Robert Morris on Pride and Purity. Lets just say that those messages hit my about as hard as I hit the concrete 8 weeks ago today. So Sunday night I confessed to my wife and I am on my way back up the mountain. My attitude has changed, My outlook has changed and the way I see my wife has changed. Sometimes it is the smallest things in life that have the biggest results. So my question is this…….. do you have anything you need to confess and who do you need to confess it too besides the Lord?