Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Luke 17.4

Luke 17: 4 And if he sins against you seven times a day, and returns to you seven times, saying, "I repent," forgive him.

Question, do you have someone in your life that you are holding unforgiveness towards that has asked you for forgiveness but you have placed yourself above the Lord and not forgiven that person even though the Lord has? Better yet … said you forgave them but did not?

If you walk in unforgiveness you will be turned over to the tormentors, how is that working for you?

Christ died for you to be free, walk as He does

Stop right now and ask "Lord is there anyone that I have not forgave?"

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The little dog pt. 2

The Little Dog this is the link to the story I posted on my blog June 26th. The question I posed at the end of my story was this "So here is my question to you. If my little dog lived in your home for a while would you have pee stains on your carpet?" I failed my own question. The dog whose name is Penny has gone to the bathroom all over my home for 5 ½ months. Why? Because I did not change. The quote that just sticks in my mind is this, "if you don't change …. Then nothing changes" it is that simple. I was in a meeting with a group of men Tuesday night last week. As we went around the room taking prayer request I said to myself "I'm good" I hear Holy Spirit say "What about your dog?" I say whatever! A few more men talk and I again hear "What about your dog? Now I have an attitude so I said fine I will bring it up! You see, I abused my dog that I day. I slung her out into the garage because she went to the bathroom all over the blanket again. I had this little 20lb dog so scared of me that she rolled on her side and crapped. Never in my life had I seen that before and never will I forget it. It broke my heart and I could not believe what I had caused. Now for my confession with the men. One of the men said "I feel like the Lord has a scripture for you" (something along those lines) Proverbs 12.10 A righteous man has regard for his animal ………………. Well I had an E. F. Hutton moment. The Lord spoke, I listened, and I changed. Here is what the Lord showed me in a span of about five minutes while I was being prayed over.

•    I was mad because the dog Penny had rejected me

•    I was Jealous because the dog was not mine anymore but my daughters

•    I passed judgment on Penny

I changed and so……… I changed. Wednesday morning I laid hands on my dog and prayed for her, confessed and asked for forgiveness. 9 if we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Penny has noticed the change in me and does not hide any more. She comes to me and stays with me.


I am just amazed! 25 The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him.