Thursday, March 11, 2010

Know the Sacrifice


Behind the tattered robe,

Is the greatest story ever told.

What He did for man,

Some people will never understand.


Those that do,

Know the Sacrifice.

Your blood dripped from the Cross.

It will never be lost.


It is captured forever.

Through the end of time.

It will wash the sin away.

No longer will we be held at bay.


"Lord why have you forsaken me?"

"My Son, it is meant to be.

We must cleanse the Earth of sin."

"My Son, sacrifice your self, it is time to check in."


His cries were heard through out the Land.

His death allows us to make a stand.

Glory to the man who saves us.

Glory to our Lord Jesus.


Never could I imagine the suffering.

The Pain that You felt

The blood running into your eyes,

It crushes my heart . . . . . . . makes me cry.


Looking to the Heavens

You were so helpless.

Knowing you were going to die.

Yet, you did not fight back.


You were on the cross

Your spirit not broken.

Your Father has spoken.

"You are not lost."


"My Son, come be with me.

That is the prophecy.

That is what is meant to be,

You will be my legacy."


By Kevin Gwyn @ prayer vigil 3/26/2002 ÓCopyrighted

4.30 am

2 Corinthians 3:4

2 Corinthians 3:4
Such confidence we have through Christ toward God.NASB95

This is a good word for this morning. To be confident in your ministry towards others. This confidence allows me or you to stay the course. To keep your eyes on the prize of Jesus. To run the race.

Yesterday as I sat in the parking lot before my job interview. I asked the Lord to guide my words to be able to speak from the heart, because I did not know what to say. I was told, that was walking in humility. I did not know that, but it was good to hear …. I needed to hear that. That is a sign of maturity which is something I feel I am lacking in sometimes. So it was good to hear that..

Walk in Humility today and Love your brother whoever that may be. Humility is a seed that gets planted and you have to decide how long you are going to water it.



Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Psalm 139.23

Psalm 139:23
Look deep into my heart, God and find out everything I am thinking. CEV

Worst night of sleep I have had in a very long time. I must have woke up 10 or 12 times. I would lay there and think about golf, work, my Wife. I get up this morning and open my devotion and there it was speaking loud and clear. I didn't have to even open my bible because the Lord spoke to me in this manner. I need Him to look deep in my heart, because frankly I don't think I know how.

I walk in victory yesterday now I am off to war!


Be Blessed today

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

2 Chronicles 19 and 20

So ……… today or should I say last night, I got up at 2:30 in the morning to seek his face about my Golf situation. Went back to bed at 3:30 and got up at 6:30. Just not really sure where I am going. Richard replied to my email and said.

"I hear "go"
I hear "walk in unity with K"
I hear "I will be with you"
I hear "I am NOT confused nor will I confuse you"
I hear " I will show you and K My face"

Still chewing on this one.

As I am reading in my men of integrity devo this morning I felt led to read in 2 Chronicles chpt 20 thinking I was going to hear one thing and heard another. What happened was I started reading in chapter 19 thinking it was chapter 20. Another warning for me

2 Chronicles 19:7
"Now then let the fear of the Lord be upon you; be very careful what you do, for the Lord our God will have no part in unrighteousness or partiality or the taking of a bribe."NASB95

I don't believe this scripture has anything to do with the job interview I have tomorrow but it has everything to do with the time my wife will be away on Heart Quest. Now two days in a row I have been warned. Hmmmm. As I read further I get to the scripture that the devo was referring too.

2 Chronicles 20:21-22
And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who should sing to the Lord, and who should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army and were saying: "Praise the Lord, For His mercy endures forever." 22 Now when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; and they were defeated.NKJV

What I found after reading these two scriptures was this.

  • I don't worship the Lord enough
  • I f I would worship Him more my enemies would be defeated
  • That's good news AMEN?




Monday, March 8, 2010

Romans 13

My wife leaves to serve on Heart Quest tomorrow. It can be a tough time for me or it can be a blessed time. These are the times when I have to rely on the Lord. Sometimes I just don't know if that is what I am doing. My devotion this morning was Romans 13. As I was praying for strength and reading I came to verse 14. It almost comes across as a warning. When I went back and read it again it is a warning.

Romans 13:14
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts.NASB95

Romans 13:11-13
Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy.NASB95

So, I would ask you to pray this week for me. Be blessed and walk it out

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Fruit of the saved

Something to share that my friend David Terry wrote.




If you have been around church or organized religion for any length of time you would probably have to admit there is a certain attitude or swagger to the people who are really "in the know". We learn very quickly, either directly or indirectly, that there are certain phrases, looks, clothes, even acts of good service that cause us to look like we belong to Christ and His church. However, the true test of "fruit" in the life of the believer is not merely external manifestations of righteousness, but internal changes of desire and attitudes.

Sometimes hanging around church is the easiest place on the planet to think that you are saved. Sometimes growing up in a Christian home can be the most difficult place to find God. Being sandwiched in a culture of so-called "believers", it is often easy to think that you have become a believer in Christ without doing anything of the sort.

You can be tender to God, the things of God and the people of God and not know God.

You can enjoy the warm and fuzzy fullness of the fellowship of the church and not have a personal relationship with God.


The following is a very brief list of questions concerning the internal fruit of your life. You and only you can answer these questions. Answer honestly.


1. Is your world-view filtered through the lens of God's sovereignty over all things, events, happenings and circumstances that impact your life? Do you trust Him?


2. Do you find life in the Word of God? Even when you are out of God's word in your personal walk, when you hear the Truth does it convict, encourage and motivate you?


3. Are you spiritually, as well as, emotionally moved when lost people are saved?


4.Is blatant sin disgusting to you in your own life and grievous when seen in the lives of others?


5. Are you genuinely interested and excited about what God is doing in others?


6. Do you have JOY? (Not happiness that is conditional on your "happenings")


7. Do you desire a more intimate, unfettered, transparent and oblivious worship of Father? Do you desire even brief moments of being able to block out everything around you and worship Father?


8. Is your spiritual life and character deeper than it was 1 year ago, 3 years ago and 5 years ago?


Write your "story" on a 3x5 card. Write down the experience of your accepting Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. How did you do it? Why did you do it? What did you pray? You cannot be prayed over by another person and "get God". If you prayed a prayer for any other reason than you were convicted of your sin and separation from God, ask the Holy Spirit to confirm or deny that moment in your life. GET YOUR STORY!

Romans 6

It has been a while since I wrote something and it is not because I didn't want to. After men's group last Monday ….. I was on a spiritual high Tuesday. Wednesday it in a way came crashing down. I didn't look at anything but I did something related to looking at something. Which in turn opened a door? That door has been shut. I did however let it derail me for three days. Yesterday as I was working I was listening to my IPod. I have the bible on it but wasn't listening to it yet. What I was listening to was classic rock. After about 12 songs it went to the bible. It started in acts but I felt like I should listened to Romans 6 and that is where it begins.


Romans 6:17-23
But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed,
I want to be obedient from the heart.

18 and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. 19 I am speaking in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. As I know oh so well, my flesh is very strong at times, but why? Once again …….CHOICE!

.For just as you presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness, resulting in further lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness, resulting in sanctification. I am sanctified, I am set apart for His Glory. The Lord uses me and for that I am grateful.

20 For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. 21 Therefore what benefit were you then deriving from the things of which you are now ashamed? For the outcome of those things is death. There was and there is no benefit just misery

22 But now having been freed from sin and enslaved to God, you derive your benefit, resulting in sanctification, and the outcome, eternal life. Life with benefits, You don't have to pay for these benefits and nobody can take them away. They are free to receive and free to give away. Spread the Gospel, lead people to Christ and plant seeds and watch them grow.


23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.NASB95