Saturday, April 23, 2011


Been reading a book and finished it this morning. Never read "90 minutes in Heaven" still haven't. What I read was "Heaven is for real" by Todd Burbo. It is about a boy that is four years old who dies on the operating table and he goes to Heaven and then is revived. I am not going to go into details because it is really good. I finished it this morning. I read the last 10 chapters this morning and I was in tears for most of the time. It is very interesting because lately I have had a very unsettled feeling in my gut about getting old and dying. I know I am not that old, but the thoughts still come. Don't you think about it occasionally? Anyway I received peace about that this morning a very calm spirit. Thank You Jesus!

A memory was brought back to me while reading, it was a memory that I thought that I had dealt with and I still believe I have. It was the memory of my previous wife Karen and our miscarriage of Taylor in 1993. I have had people tell me "you will see him again when you go to Heaven" Yeah I know, No big deal right? I think sometimes we just kind of brush those remarks off. The quote in the book says this…… Colton (4 yrs. old who is the one who went to Heaven during surgery and came back, this is part of the conversation he had with his sister while in Heaven) says, "She just can't wait for you and Daddy to get to Heaven" (He is saying this to his mom after he said "I have two sisters" He did not know about the other sister, he did not know about the miscarriage.) I felt that is what I was hearing Taylor say to me right then. It broke me big time. I wanted to call Karen and tell her right then. I will tell Karen another day, because today this was for me.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Matthew 18 33-35

Forgiveness or un-forgiveness:

Don't you hate when something is bothering you and you just can't place it? You talk about it amongst yourself and you end up making it worse! What I am trying to say is bitterness, anger, un-forgiveness. They do not have a place in your heart if you are going to walk with Jesus. What does Jesus say Matthew 18.33 Shouldn't you have treated the other servant as mercifully as I treated you?' 34 "His master was so angry that he handed him over to the torturers until he would repay everything that he owed. 35 That is what my Father in heaven will do to you if each of you does not sincerely forgive other believers." I am in my men's group last night and we are talking about this very subject. I got called out. I have men in my group that love me enough to call me out instead of saying. "I am sorry did you pray about that" or "Wow that is a tough place to be" or " here is what you need to do" but instead I hear" Brother? You know what this group is about you are walking in unforgiveness." I thought "Really" screw you I am not. Then I set there for moment a quick moment and heard "yep you sure are" So I received what was spoken to me

Now what do I do? I took it to the Lord, that is what I did. I prayed about this several times last night in bed and then this morning I walked around my house and prayed about it. I finally got peace and then I was able to write. Last night was when I realized after I got in bed that this week I was turned over to the tormentors and didn't like it.

When does a deceived person know he is deceived?