Thursday, April 15, 2010

Luke 17a

"Right now I am storm-tossed. And what am I going to say? 'Father, get me out of this'? No, this is why I came in the first place. I'll say, 'Father, put your glory on display.' " John 12.27-28 msg


As I was reading this morning in Luke 17 again at the verse where Luke 17.33

Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it.

The word life is translated from the Greek word psuche it changes the whole meaning when you put soul in there in place of the word life
5590 ψυχή [psuche /psoo·khay/] n f. From 5594; TDNT 9:608; TDNTA 1342; GK 6034; 105 occurrences; AV translates as "soul" 58 times, "life" 40 times, "mind" three times, "heart" once, "heartily + 1537" once, and not translated twice.
1 breath. 1a the breath of life. 1a1 the vital force which animates the body and shows itself in breathing. 1a1a of animals. 1a12 of men. 1b life. 1c that in which there is life. 1c1 a living being, a living soul. 2 the soul. 2a the seat of the feelings, desires, affections, aversions (our heart, soul etc.). 2b the (human) soul in so far as it is constituted that by the right use of the aids offered it by God it can attain its highest end and secure eternal blessedness, the soul regarded as a moral being designed for everlasting life. 2c the soul as an essence which differs from the body and is not dissolved by death (distinguished from other parts of the body).


      "Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over. In the same way, anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you'll have it forever, real and eternal.

       "If any of you wants to serve me, then follow me. Then you'll be where I am, ready to serve at a moment's notice. The Father will honor and reward anyone who serves me. John 12.24-26


Just a little something to think about



Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Luke 17

As I was praying this morning and asking where should I go.  I was led to
Luke 17:7-10 (NASB95)
7 "Which of you, having a slave plowing or tending sheep, will say to him when he has come in from the field, 'Come immediately and sit down to eat'?
8 "But will he not say to him, 'Prepare something for me to eat, and properly clothe yourself and serve me while I eat and drink; and afterward you may eat and drink'?
9 "He does not thank the slave because he did the things which were commanded, does he?
10 "So you too, when you do all the things which are commanded you, say, 'We are unworthy slaves; we have done only that which we ought to have done.' "


After reading I realize that this scripture is not only for me but for everyone.  We all have a choice every day. Now it is your choice and my choice to be the unworthy slave.



We are all unworthy slaves and we thank you.  Lord I ask that you would bless and stretch who ever reads this.  Guard their hearts, their minds and their souls.   To get everything that you have for them,  To leave nothing to chance but to stay focused on you.  I bind the enemy up.

In Jesus name

Monday, April 12, 2010

Psalm 35

Psalm 35:22-25 (NIV)
22 Lord, you have seen this. Don't be silent. Lord, don't be far away from me.
23 Wake up! Rise up to help me! My God and Lord, stand up for me.
24 Lord my God, when you hand down your sentence, let it be in my favor. You always do what is right. Don't let my enemies have the joy of seeing me fall.
25 Don't let them think, "That's exactly what we wanted!" Don't let them say, "We have swallowed him up."

Yesterday, I watched the movie Flywheel with my wife for the seventh or eighth time. Those movies always make me tear up. Holy Spirit is always moving. Anyway there is a part in the movie where he chooses not to defend himself. Most people in his situation would have. He chose to be quick to listen and slow to speak and slow to become angry. He walked away and asked the lord in prayer to defend him because he could not. Other witnesses came forward and defended him.

My point is how many times when we are persecuted do we choose to let the Lord defend us? Or do we choose the flesh way out instead to prove we are right? Hmmmm something to think about.


Be blessed today and walk it out
