James 4:7"…let God work His will in you. Yell a loud "NO" to the devil and watch Him scamper. Say a quiet "yes" to God and He will be there in no time.
I read this and wonder if we really take this serious? Think about this scenario for a moment………… (And this goes for me as well) You are sitting on your couch and you get a knock on your front door. When you open the door it is a scantily clad woman who wants to come in and do a little dance for you. She was sent by the enemy. So are you going to yell a loud "NO" to the enemy and watch her scamper? Slam that door shut in Jesus name? I would hope so. This is the same scenario that happens with our computers or walking in the mall or going places where we should not be going, bars, casinos. You have to be prepared for battle before you go into battle. One of the first lines of defense is "NO"
Then take the though captive to the obedience of Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5 Casting down arguments, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Think also about this. There is power in your words. There is life and death in your words
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