Monday, November 5, 2012

Seasoned with Salt

1 Peter 4 NIV
11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. ………………….

My devotion this morning was out of 1 Peter 4. Verse 11 stops me right in my tracks. It made me think about how my conversations should always be seasoned with salt.  It also reminded me that as of late I have been failing in this area
Colossians 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
This is a reminder of how I need to speak today. I wonder who the Lord will put in front of me today. Family, friend or new acquaintance at any rate I must be ready. Maybe this is the day my brother calls ….. I don't know. I will be prepared.
The question is ….. Are you prepared? If it gets really bad today, will you speak the very words of God?



  1. Thanks Kevin! this squeezed my heart. I will be ready now. I also studied II Timothy 2: 22-25 Have a blessed day!


  2. Tone trumps contents


  3. Good stuff. Went camping with some men this past weekend and this is one of the things we discussed. We had a fast day. Was great.


  4. You know what I heard from this? YOU are the "salt" of the earth. Love ya.

    Larry W
