Trust Me
Have you thought about the sacrifice?
That was made back in the day.
It was his death on the timber.
An act we will always remember.
His death changed us forever.
What He did was inconceivable.
God's care for us . . . . . . Unbelievable.
We will not forget . . . . . never.
Could you die?
So some one else could live.
Such a tall order to fill
You could do this if it is God's will.
His love is unconditional
It matters not who you are.
Learn to trust Him,
And away goes your sin.
Nothing matches the glory of our Father.
Or the sacrifice He made.
So we could come to know Him,
Even as we live in sin.
Jesus says, "Come to me
And I will give you rest."
Only Jesus knows what is best.
He is the truth, and the way, that's easy to see.
So come to me with your shame,
Come to me with your pain.
I am the one, who comforts,
As your tears fall like the rain.
Your heart is broken and torn from the inside.
You look to me with no more pride.
You have nothing left but your broken heart.
You think all is lost and everything has fallen apart.
Behold I heal all wounds.
And I start with the heart.
With that we will never be apart.
My healing will give you a new start.
It is time to die to yourself.
Make the sacrifice to live the new life.
I will listen and answer when you pray.
Trust me; I will not lead you astray.
By Kevin Gwyn ©copyrighted 3/21/2003
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