Sunday, April 18, 2010

2 Corinthians 2:6

It has been a very busy week and I am tired. Three different times this week I have been lead to Luke 17. This morning as well. I did not see what He wanted me to see. I was a little depressed about it. I went to the store and when I came back I started over. This time I got out my quest list and started to pray for them and I was reading over their emails when I came across one that I needed to respond too. Which lead me to 2 Corinthians 10:5 which we all know,

Corinthians 10:5 (DARBY)
5 overthrowing reasonings and every high thing that lifts itself up against the knowledge of God, and leading captive every thought into the obedience of the Christ;
But it was verse 6 that I had never noticed before. It leaped off the page.

2 Corinthians 10:6 (NKJV)
6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

1556 ἐκδικέω [ekdikeo /ek·dik·eh·o/] v. From 1558; TDNT 2:442; TDNTA 215; GK 1688; Six occurrences; AV translates as "avenge" five times, and "revenge" once. 1 to vindicate one's right, do one justice. 1a to protect, defend, one person from another. 2 to avenge a thing. 2a to punish a person for a thing.


I thought this was really good. You take that thought captive and what happens? You avenge, you get revenge, you protect and defend your mind from the enemy. Holding everythought captive is walking in obedience. Hmmmm

Be Blessed and walk it out


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